Monday, March 4, 2013

Tough Love For Authors | Writing and Publishing News

You?ve all heard of ?tough love,? related to an errant teen. If your book isn?t performing as you had hoped, you might consider using tough love with it.

Sure, you want to coddle your wonderful book. You hope millions of people will buy it and love it as much as you do. But you don?t particularly want to put in the effort required?you don?t want to cause ripples or bother people. You expect interested readers to recognize the value in your book and rush to purchase it without your interference. Perhaps you find promotion distasteful. You really dislike hawking your book. The reality of today?s publishing climate, however, is such that you must be involved. Your dedicated, persistent attention is needed if you hope to sell more than a handful of copies of your fiction or nonfiction book.

In other words, you can?t just create it and then expect others to find it, recognize the value in it and grab it up all on their own. You must stand strong beside your book, confidently introduce it to the world and continually strive to convince your potential readers to buy it.

A meek author who does not wish to participate in marketing his or her book, who doesn?t have the time to do so and/or who doesn?t understand what it takes to sell books today, will be among the nearly 78 percent of authors who sell fewer than 100 books total. If this describes you, I suggest that you do one of two things:

1: Start training NOW for the marathon marketing program you must engage in if you want to sell books by the hundreds or thousands. Read ?Promote Your Book, Over 250 Proven, Low-Cost Tips and Techniques for the Enterprising Author? and ?Talk Up Your Book, How to Sell Your Book Through Public Speaking, Interviews, Signings, Festivals, Conferences and More.? Read them, study them and constantly refer to them.


2: Give up the idea of writing a book for publication. If you aspire to succeed without knowledge of the publishing industry and if you enter into this competitive industry without a clear understanding of marketing, you will be wasting time and money.

Order Patricia Fry?s books at and other online and downtown bookstores.
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